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E is for...


As in.... Allan Poe

The boundaries which divide Life from Death are at best shadowy and vague. Who shall say where the one ends, and where the other begins?
---Edgar Allan Poe

The Cardinal

Okay, so this is a bit of a cheat since Poe should actually fall under letter "P", but I have something else I'd like to use for "P" and this is my blog, so I'll cheat if I want----

Besides, we all know that when the morbid and the macabre is being discussed, there is no way that Edgar Allan Poe won't make an appearance at some point, especially as he's given me the header quote for each day's post.

This will most likely be a tribute post more than a "how does Poe relate to the world of all things morbid", since there's probably only a ridiculously small handful of people who don't know Edgar Allan Poe and what he's done for the world of horror/mystery/Gothic specialties.

Orphaned at a young age, losing one of his adopted parents by
the age of 20, and his own child-wife when he was 38, death followed Poe throughout his life until his own early and mysterious death at the age of 40. If ever there was a soul whose existence was scripted to embrace the darkness of life, surely that soul would have been Poe.

The masses of Poe-ites will always have their favorite poem or short story or quote or whatever. And, I'm no different... some of my favorites include, The Raven, of course...The Tell-tale Heart, The Pit and the Pendulum, Fall of the House of Usher, The Gold Bug, The Black Cat, Annabel Lee...


  1. LMAO! I don't think this challenge wouldn't be complete without you throwing POE oops I mean (Edgar) into the mix!

    1. I knooooooow... I actually don't think my life would be complete without a little Edgar in the mix :-)

  2. I love that quote from Poe. Actually I love anything about Poe. Great info here!
    (new follower)
    Lexa Cain’s Blog


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