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P is for Phoenix.....

Truly one of my favorite mythical/supernatural creatures.

I've always been fascinated by this long-living bird that could regenerate from its own ashes. There's something inspiring about this type of complete renewal.

The Phoenix is a much-needed metaphorical champion for anyone who needs a complete change-- a total absolution of their past selves and the growth of a completely new form, rising from the remnants.

This ancient Greek mythical beast is associated with the sun and was subsequently adopted as a symbol for Early Christianity.

Though there are few specific myths featuring the Phoenix, it is referenced in many early texts, sometimes being referred to as the "royal bird" or the "purple one."

Thankfully, modern works, like Harry Potter, have kept this wonderful creature alive for younger imaginations to adore.

From Pyre Redeemed

Time touches not,
what fire's kiss has wrought, 
from ash a life reborn.

With feathered flame,
eternal hope remains,
all past lives, the remnants shorn.

Steeped in fire light,
form framed, without sight,
newborn crawling from the dark.

The aged, now ageless,
blood-feathers gracing grey tresses,
from the bitter end a new start.

                                                                                                  ---e.a.s. demers


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks!! I like how the myth of the Phoenix offers hope, itself---- so I'm glad it came through in the poem :-)

  2. I live in the city that is said to have been raised from the ashes of an ancient Indain culture. Visiting from A-Z

  3. I love the image of the phoenix rising from the ashes.

    1. Yes, it's one of my favorite mythical creatures ....

  4. That's a very nice poem. I think it makes such an enduring image because you think it's destroyed, but it's able to rise again.


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