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I is for Imp.....

Mischievous, wild and playful, these wee spirits, are not known for being attractive. These Germanic lesser demons were classed with fairies in early myths---their attributes much more playful in the older stories. But, later myths separated and realigned the stories, pulling the "good" stories into the fairy realm and the "bad" stories into the hovels of the less beautiful and lesser liked Imps.

Imps are thought to be immortal, though there are certain weapons that can harm them.

They are thought to be lonely creatures who seek out human attention, even enlisting their silly jokes and pranks as a means of entertaining the humans they seek to have contact with. Many times, however, their jokes and pranks backfire, annoying the very humans they seek approval from, driving them to find ways of ridding their homes of these trouble-making tricksters.

The images of Imps can be found in Art and Architecture, though they are many times painstakingly hidden-- beneath over-hanging eaves or at the base of sculptures, so that only the most observant of people might catch sight of them....they don't appear for just anybody, you know---though, careful he doesn't follow you home!

For Laughs Eternal

We like to play and skip and romp,
that's the Impish way.
We like to make you laugh,
and brighten up your day.

We hope to find a home with you,
our old home just didn't suit.
Our last human didn't like our jokes,
he gave us one and all the boot.

                                                                                                               ---e.a.s. demers


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