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Baby Steps Forward, Giant Leaps Backward.....

Asdfja;eijakfglkaj;kdslfva..f jaoiefk = the most intelligent thing I've written in a while....

It's the second month in a new year, and I haven't found time to update my blog since the second week in November--- not that I'm surprised, Christmas in retail doesn't leave a lot of time to breathe, let alone time to think/write.

My lack of Resolutions this year means I'll probably get quite a few things done, as I often find the more I say I'll get done, the less I actually do---

If I were to name a Resolution for this year, it would definitely involve writing--- writing more, and finally submitting said writing... still trying to get over that last hurdle of fear that's keeping me from actually putting work out there.

I am moving forward, albeit at a snail's pace.

I would really like to participate in Write1Sub1 this year, the challenge fashioned after Ray Bradbury's school of Persperistence --- writing and submitting 1 story every week. I started the first week of 2013 with eagerness, had an idea for a story, wrote a couple thousand words and then stopped--- I didn't even manage to submit anything. And, that's where it all stayed.
I've revisited my Week 1 short story several times, trying to flesh it out and finish it. But, my writing has all but stopped.

Today I signed up for the A-Z Blogging Challenge, which doesn't actually start until April-- I've participated the last 2 years, and have found that it's a great boost to my creativity and a wonderful motivator, as it keeps me writing (especially as it isn't my usual type of writing).

Am I preventing an increase in publishable output because I'm too focused on challenge-writing?


But, my muse requires stimulation before it will create. I don't mean I sit around and wait on inspiration before I put pen to paper... or finger to keyboard. No, I mean, I need the extra adrenaline that comes from completing a challenge, the extra boost that comes from knowing I haven't let my fellow challengers down. Of course this explains why I've done NaNoWriMo for the last six years, and why I've never failed to complete the requisite 50,000 words.

I do find it strange that I haven't been able to fully embrace Write1Sub1, as these are the kinds of challenges I live for--- at least, the Write1 part--- I can totally understand why I haven't embraced the Sub1 part of the equation.

And, this is where everything stalls--- once I've finished the challenge, what then? Where is the magical adrenaline to edit and submit the subsequent work I've produced from madness?


  1. stick that------------->Asdfja;eijakfglkaj;kdslfva..f jaoiefk
    on a tshirt and sell it at writers conventions and use the money to live off
    while you hibernate and write your bestselling novel

    1. ^^^^ THAT is the most intelligent thing I've seen written in awhile.... I should totally do that :-)

  2. I think I've stumbled over an editing equivalent of nano. Maybe that's the push you need to revise, refine, and submit--an editing challenge.

    You obviously have the ear and imagination to produce good work. So ask yourself: WWGD?

    What Would Gaiman Do?

    And do it. :)

    1. I honestly never thought of doing an editing "challenge", that does sound like something I could sink my writing teeth into!! That's an awesome idea, Joe!

      Oh, and I definitely dig the WWGD?--- I may have to steal this :-D

  3. I've fallen into my own little rut lately, from a cold virus that just won't go away. Feels like some kind of alien life form sapping my energy and creativity! Good luck with your challenges. Most of them make me run the other way in terror, but I WILL do NaNo for the first time this year. :)

    1. Yay! For NaNo...
      Boo for the cold virus that won't go away---
      I hate those kind of viruses that never seem to let go. I hope you start feeling better soon


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