I think it's safe to say, the month of November kicked my butt.... both literally and "literary-ly", as evidenced by the fact that I haven't even posted since Nov. 28th... *sigh*
Between, NaNoWriMo, guest blogging, a major (read: exhausting) week-long, out-of-town project for work, I had precious little time to do much more than work and sleep....
And, now, the holidays are upon us... greatly restricting what little free time I might have to post... *double sigh*
Retail management + Christmas = No Time, No Life, No Sleep
So, if I am mysteriously absent for the rest of the year, fear not.... and if you find me snoozing in the corner, just step over me....
I know what you mean... it's that end-of-year feeling when everything starts catching up with you! The body starts to protest and goes into shut-down mode. Enjoy your rest!