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Showing posts from March, 2012

A-Zed year two....

So, I conveniently timed my return to the blogosphere with the annual A-Z blogging challenge that runs the month of April.  The A-Z challenge  is a wonderful way to drive yourself insane---- believe me, there are worse ways of going 'round the bend. Basically, you have 26 letters and 26 days (sans Sundays)... compose a blog a day, centered around its respective letter of the alphabet, ending with 'Z' on April 30th. The blogs vary in theme as widely as the bloggers who post them. Last year, I had no theme, so my posts were all over the place and became more frustratingly maddening the closer I got to 'Z'. But, I met some wonderful bloggers along the way, who definitely made the challenge worthwhile. This year, I don't know if I'll have time to come up with a theme, but I'm hoping to be a bit more focused than last year.... Anyone else going to take the maddening journey along the alphabet???

A Wayfarer's Return.....

I never dreamed the break I took from posting around Christmas to turn into a 3, nearly 4-month hiatus. I never imagined that I'd fall completely off the grid, slipping from the blogosphere like the proverbial plug had been pulled. But, time has passed, a lifetime in the realm of the internet, actually. Hours, days and then weeks, were suddenly filled with more than I could handle at any one time. Things began to fall to the wayside, things I cared about, things I would have much preferred to focus on. I was pulled away from my writing, I was pulled away from the community I was a part of, I was slowly being pulled away from who I was. The last few months have been a fight to come back to who I want to be and an even bigger fight to remind myself of where I want my life to go. I'm currently settling into a new apartment and other than a few water issues and a couple battles with wasps and bumblebees, things are going remarkably well. Life is settling back down. I can only...